Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, January 18, 2003

That thing above is my name -- well, my pen name; I've adopted it for a satiric novel that will never be published. I live alone in Philadelphia (not entirely by choice, on either count) with my cat, whose name is formally Ginger, but whom I call "Sweetie." That's all for me; if you want to learn about someone's private life, I suggest you log on to Andrew Sullivan. I'll stick with politics and culture, typing on in the forlorn desire to be read, knowing that blogging is little more than an electronic Vantage Press without the bills, save for the monthly tithe to the ISP. I can only hope -- not to cut through the clutter, that's impossible; but for someone to stumble over my idle musings, and at least think I'm intelligent, though on the evidence of my life thus far I'd say I'm a born fool.

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