Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Among the images on Yahoo! News:

I lead off from London, with our first Picture of the Day:

Now for some links:

Call the police in Athens;

Strasbourg says George should see "Sigmund";

"Texas of Evil" in Amsterdam (don't ask me what a "Geen Oorlog" is. Not my name.);

"Schroder for President" in Amsterdam;

Bush as Hitler in Santiago;

An American flag burned in Santiago;

"Serial-killing" America (and a "flag" with 45 stars and nine or ten stripes) in Brasilia;

An American "flag" with twelve stars and nine stripes burned in Lahore;

The Portuguese prime minister as American stooge in Lisbon;

Speaking for itself in front of our embassy in East Timor;

"George Bush" in London;

An American "flag" with twenty logos and at least nine stripes in Seoul;

Palestinian-imitating rock thrower in Athens;

"Warmonger Bush" and the hammer-and-sickle in Calcutta;

An Iraqi flag in Sofia;

An anti-war protest in democratic Damascus;

Bush and Osama in Kuala Lumpur;

Very good grammar in Bangkok;

Bush is eeeeeeeeevil in Bangkok;

U. S. something-or-others and a swastika (sort of) in Tokyo;

An American "flag" with fourteen or fifteen stripes and a skull-and-crossbones in Quito;

The Grim Reaper in Mexico City;

More good grammar (and spelling!) in Bahrain (and note that somebody doesn't approve of Lady Liberty, figures);

"Disarm USA," "Osama Bush Laden" and Che in Sarajevo;

(We interrupt this program to bring you: our second Picture of the Day, from Damascus!

And now, back to our regular programming:)

Four jerks in Manila;

An American "flag" with eight stripes and thirty-three stars "burned" in Manila;

More American Nazis, in New Delhi;

Commies in New Delhi;

A well-positioned effigy in London;

Stalinists in New York;

An Iraqi flag in Athens;

Ants in Hyde Park, London;

Criminal! Genocidal! Violating George Lucas's Copyrightal!

Iraqi flags in Managua;

I'd rather not know what George Washington would have done to those protesters in Raleigh.

I know one behind the picture!

Morons in Zagreb.

An American "flag" with twelve swastikas in Mexico City.

In Berlin, war is war! And Germans are Germans, and Hitler is Bush, and lunkheads are lunkheads;

Peaceful protestors in Thessaloniki, Greece;

"George Bush" in Prague (now those are hard-core Commies -- as in, bring back Gustav Husak!);

Another Canadian luuuuuhves the U.S.A.;

"George Bush" in Amsterdam;

America equals death! in Paris;

The Constitution is death! in Raleigh, North Carolina;

Our inferiors in Toronto, eh?

An American "flag" with possibly fifteen stripes and perhaps more than forty stars burned in Mexico City.

(We'll be right back, after these words:

When I grow up, I want to be a bloodthirsty criminal tyrant -- JUST LIKE SADDAM HUSSEIN!

This message brought to you by International A.N.S.W.E.R., your friendly neighborhood Communists.

And now back to More Stupid Protester Tricks!)

Hooray for Saddam in chicken Kiev!

Another Canadian loves us!

The Devil in Moscow;

In Johannesburg, a wary Osama bin Laden pleads, stop the war!

More Stalinism in New York;

A dialogue in Rome:

Gray-haired guy: "I can remember, back in '56, when we had this big rally against the reactionary hooligans who took over Budapest...."
Guy in cap: "The Russians?"
Gray-haired guy: "The Hungarians!"

Some friends in Cairo;

From Paris again: How original.

I thought Communism was dead!

So George is a butcher, eh?

An American flag burned in Vienna;

Oh go fuera yourself.

A lecture from Rio, where untold homeless children wander the streets, many with AIDS;

An American flag burned in Guadalajara;

And also joining in the fun, members of the Ba'ath Party in Baghdad!!!!!

Menatime, some of their friends burn an American "flag"! Or an unreasonable facsimile thereof.

But there were a few good guys, like these (Scottish Iraqis meeting with Tony Blair).

And here's one: a group of Iraqi counter-protesters -- in my Philadelphia! Hooraaaaaaaaaay!!!!!

And finally, whatever else happens, again from London, our third Picture of the Day:

With enemies like these, who needs friends?

A FOOTNOTE: Yesterday I came across a worn forgotten book by the late forgotten CBS newsman Charles Kuralt, he of the many roads and equally well-travelled mistress, who looked like Don Wilson (or Elmer Fudd) and spoke in a voice like an out-of-tune tuba, and I recalled that when the Gulf War started Oliver Stone and Co. marched live on TV, and you could tell just from his loose embouchure that the Sex Machine of the Highway was aching to get out there and join them in protesting an unjust, ignoble war. One wonders how many cul-de-sacs Charley's encountered on the road to eternity.

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