Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Did making all those phone calls leave us mean today? Tom DeLay is Snidely Whiplash minus the handlebars and the stove-pipe hat, and he shouldn't have dumped on Kosovo because Slick ran it. But Bill is so busy Conasoning and feeding his unquenchable rage that he doesn't tell us what he thinks. Is he against DeLay? Dubya? A war in Iraq? Or is he auditioning for Crossfire? The cute deceptive manner in which he lays into DeLay is a left cross at his own midsection. We can only think this kind of Terrible Tempered Mr. Bang would shut up like an army of antiwar protestors in Iraq when confronted with the drool of Sheryl Crow in Bosnia. Demagoguery and dishonesty -- the mark of a perfect news hack.

Sorry Bill, I take these insults to my intelligence personally.

By the way, what's Microsoft's policy on political activism on company time?

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