Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, February 20, 2003

An excruciating and offensive puff piece drooling over Robert Johnson, the founder of Viacom's Boogie Everynight Television, in which our author belches in business-book fashion that "Johnson may be black, but he thinks green" (did Johanna ever daydream about Legendary Welch in print?), and a friend mentions the game of Monopoly. Bob seems to have learned quite a few lessons from Sumner. Johanna has learned one lesson from her fellow news hacks: the more starry-eyed you make your show-biz hagiography, the better your chances to get a good job. And she has real competition at the LALA Times. This is a Harvard Business School case study of a reporter flaunting her Rolodex.

Upon further review I see the author (who works out of the Times' Washington bureau) doesn't need a job; she has all manner of fancy think-tank titles and once served as White House correspondent and an editor for USA Okay, and she's married to Gerry "Oh Pardon" Ford's wimpy press sec the former NBC newsman Ron Nessen, so she's in the perfect position for profitable fawning. Johnson and this hack probably flatter each other often on the Beltway cocktail circuit. This compounds the offense at Mafia usury rates.

Johanna, meet Bill Zehme, yeeeeeeeeeech.

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