Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Having tried to follow this FreeRepublic thread of the most recent NASA press conference, I now know what we mere laymen are up against in comprehending the science and technology of space flight. Things have to be explained in such a way that they may not make full sense on the telling, or retelling. And I'm somehow not surprised that so many of the news hacks asking questions work under a similar fog of ignorance. (Of course they have no excuse because they're supposed to know what they're doing.) What's more, people are disagreeing on everything. Several thread participants have worked at NASA, I gather in very responsible positions. I wonder if a fully satisfactory account of what happened on Columbia will ever be possible.

All I can glean from this thread is that a) on-board computers may have overcompensated for problems on Columbia's left wing, b) a switch to "environmentally correct" materials may have caused a problem with the insulating foam that fell down the vehicle's left side during liftoff (assuming it was insulation, that is); and c) remains of all the astronauts have been found.

The more I read about this disaster, the less I understand.

UPDATE: It now appears c) was false, but I expect it's only a matter of time.

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