Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 16, 2003

I see Tiger's winning his first tournament back.

Has anyone ever thought that Tiger may be the worst thing to happen to golf? When he wins it's by five strokes, and when he's not in a tournament, it's not quite legitimate. We know what happens to golf without the star power; witness the Senior Tour. Is having MJ on the course really an unalloyed plus? (Acknowledging that MJ wasn't a bad golfer either.) And when Tiger finally loses his game, who'll replace him? The NBA is paying dearly for its reliance on one player, and so will the Tour.

I'll concede this: I wish I had something in my wardrobe like his red shirt.

P. S. Phil "Wrong-Way" Mickelson said something stupid. I don't think Phil and Tiger like each other.

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