Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I understand why those genuinely afraid of war (as opposed to A.N.S.W.E.R., whose members are genuinely afraid of Trotsky) might balk at fighting Saddam. Who wants war? But the holy cockroaches (with whom the secularly self-worshipping Saddam may be in league) tell us why we have no choice. I didn't see it, but I hope the General's evidence before the UN Security Council was better than the evidence leading to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. I needn't be convinced Saddam is no good, and that we'll have to get him, sooner or later -- the sooner the better with his nasty WMDs. Two things in our favor this time: Smart bombs, and, we're not fighting the Chinese and the Russians by proxy, just as members of a worthless debating society. And even they seem agreeable.

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