Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

I'm starting to think those Fighters for Democracy at the top of the blogging world are becoming as cliquish and withdrawn from real life as news hacks. It amazes me how little they talk about everyday matters, or even those news stories of interest to common folk. No, it's all Iraq and snow sculptures. I'm equally amazed about how many of these bloggers type on for paragraph after uninteresting paragraph when they should know the whole medium is about surfing, and that the Web's flashing lights aren't good for the attention span. If I don't want to spend ten minutes reading a LALA Times press release for a movie, why should I spend even five minutes reading a blow-by-deadening-blow account of how Colin Powell should handle the UN? Besides, so little really merits more than a sentence or two; any more and you start repeating yourself. I do and I've stuck to squibs.

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