Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

In NRO Winfield Myers says that forty-two Catholic colleges have rolled over and died for the feminist jumping-up-and-down conniption The Vagina Monologues; only intervention by the Cardinal Newman Society has prevented more. One can be a muckraker and yell of censorship, or cart out the in loco parentis, which most schools don't believe in anyway, having substituted political indoctrination for the purpose (except, of course, for drinking, and that's a function of lawsuits; nobody cares about the sex so long as it's "consensual"). But "religious" colleges are largely religious in name only, using their long-diluted connections as a pretext for money grubbing. And if Catholic bishops see nothing wrong with their priests buggering boys why should Catholic college presidents see anything wrong with women stomping their feet and screaming oppression? Besides, the Pope is 82 and has Parkinson's. With day by passing day the "value" of college becomes more tenuous, except perhaps in the hard sciences, and one suspects even there the learning would be better with vocational doing.

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