Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, February 07, 2003

Leftists are in an apparently war-related offensive to label the media conservative. Leading the pack is Eric Alterman, a Michael Moore without the attitude. His argument (here excerpted from a book) trips up and falls head-first when he cites the "success" of The Wall Street Journals' "editorial page" as proof of their rightward tilt. Which I guess explains why Bob Bartley ran his own reporting on Whitewater (the very conservative Al Hunt and Gerry Seib sure weren't going to do it), and why half the Washington bureau staff are alumni of the very conservative Washington Monthly, once run by the very conservative firebrand the Rev. Charles "Noble Cause" Peters, and why the very conservative Pulitzer-winner Susan Faludi became a raging feminist, and why the very conservative persecution of Clarence Thomas was led by two Wall Street Journals reporters.

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