Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, February 14, 2003

The more I think of these anti-war rallies the more I think of the nuclear-freeze movement, which also inspired huge protests. I remember back in the early eighties in Philadelphia a nuclear-freeze initiative appeared on the ballot, as in many other cities. It passed two-to-one. I voted no. It's one of the few votes I'm proud of -- and I haven't voted (I'm ashamed to say) since 1986.

The nuclear-freeze types were wrong then. The appeacers [sic] are wrong now.

(One of the leading freezniks, you will recall, was the late Carl Sagan, who during the Gulf War told the future Lord Koppel of Eisnerdom that all those burning Kuwaiti wells would do long-term baaaaaaaaaaad. The future Lord Koppel nodded in assent. Or perhaps he was merely falling asleep wide awake.)

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