Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, February 06, 2003

More ignorance from the Society: The Disney Network -- or rather, its many surrogates -- boasted that its Wacko special will do "$10 million" in business. True, this could be one of those made-up numbers beloved of show-biz news hacks, and if the Saudis had access to Disney's PR people we'd nominate Osama for the Nobel Peace Prize, but it may not be too far off the mark.

The IDIOTS in the advertising departments know they can get away with this because they know their CEO bosses watch only golf, football, the Sunday-morning gabfests, and Nightline. They know they're too busy hunched over spreadsheets to see their ads cuddled up to Michael mewing, "I sleep with little boys." Woe be unto the unlucky soul who ever tells a CEO to his face what he's financing.

Corporate America does not know what it sponsors, and it doesn't care, and it's set itself up so it won't have to care.

(That these same morons went in a panic withdrawing ads after Columbia fell to earth means nothing; they just bent their deaf ears to equally sense-challenged public-affairs types in red-alert cave mode. Disasters and complaints from politically-correct special interest groups are the only causes for incontinent advertisers to cease their pitches.)

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