Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 22, 2003

MUSIC IS BETTER THAN EVER!!!!!!!!!! Some AP mouthful of a hack named Nekesa Mumbi Moody hypes the Grammies. Few people would truly care about show-biz awards without the considerable pump priming from PR specialists, and boy can Nekesamumbimoody publicize. First, she tries to create a horse race, then she quotes the usual industry junkmeisters (but a BIG demerit for not calling Clive Davis by his first name Legendary), then she pats everyone on the back for fostering musical "diversity" (never know when you might need those references!), then she plugs a Web site that follows award ceremonies (the moronic Ain't It Cool News, but slicker), then she engages in more backscratching by quoting people about how "strong" music is (so strong that CD sales have declined by double digits. I'd hate to see weakness.). AP puts out (by its own admission) TWENTY MILLION WORDS A DAY, mostly uninformative CW, soporifically written. No wonder people refuse to pay for news. Why does AP pay Nekesamumbimoody?

Hey Mumbi! You can always sell the name to J. K. Rowling.

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