Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, February 21, 2003

The show-biz mouthpiece Howard Rosenberg holds a press conference with himself. He says entertainers should speak out whenever and on whatever they wish, then knocks down straw men like Rush Limbaugh. End of conference. He wouldn't have called it if the loudmouths were conservative.

I'll say it again: whatever their politics, entertainers risk serious hurt to their careers opening their mouths. And it's on both sides: witness the malicious fun leftists have had with Charlton Heston's Alzheimers. (Let's see it happen to you.) He was in the same position as The Nose; the offers weren't coming in, and he was getting old, so he could afford to front the NRA. He surely wouldn't have done it on an active movie career. I think too of Jane Russell's recent self-anointment as a Christian bigot, odd coming from the inventor of jiggle. That liberals are disproportionate in the ridicule is because liberals are disproportionate in the biz.

In truth, entertainers should be held very strictly to their words. By virtue of their position and their luck they lord it over us. We should let them know who's master.

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