Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, February 17, 2003

This won't work. Liberal talk radio's been tried before -- Remember Mario Cuomo? You'd think this would be a natural, that show-biz would open its welcoming arms with all the knee-jerk leftists. Problem is, conservative talk radio got a foothold because the medium's run by foot-stomping hucksters (as anyone who's tried to listen to Cheap Channel can attest) who are almost all gung-ho "free-enterprise" buyer-beware Republicans. Let's see you folks break that logjam. What's more, a liberal throwing a tantrum isn't the same as a conservative throwing a tantrum; the conservative can always claim he's the underdog. It's difficult to be an underdog when so many overdogs have you by the leash. It's also rather difficult to create radio charisma overnight. With his nasal drone Mario wasn't exactly Mr. Excitement. I suspect people will quickly weary of Al Franken pounding the table. And one more thing: If liberals can stage sponsor boycotts, so can conservatives. This won't work.

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