Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, February 24, 2003

Why does America need J-schools? It once got along well enough without them. All they've brought the news biz are snobbery and useless credentialism. It escapes President Bollinger that you pay $40,000 per annum not to make $25,000 per, but to become a lazy op-ed columnist reclining in a leather chair and typing three words and filling stretch limos and modeling Pan-Cake in a TV studio to the tune of $3 million per. That Columbia isn't fully serious in reforming its J-school can be gleaned from the names on his select "reimagining" committee: Ken "Sumner's My Best Friend" Auletta, Gene "No Fewer than 50,000 Words on the Snail Darter" Roberts, and anybody from Newsweek.

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