Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Yesterday -- and I'm glad I didn't post this initially -- the moronic movie flack sheet Ain't It Cool News (which has a following the way many Web sites have a following: for no good reason) ran a story that smelled of "plant" in which Sumner Inc. announced it was withdrawing a trailer (I won't mention the film's name) because it contained a scene of a space shuttle blowing up. I didn't see a thing on the Apple Quicktime version. A poster at FreeRepublic intimated there may be two trailers. I'm not surprised that Sumner should want to exploit the shuttle for comedy. He may have no choice; judging from the trailer, Sumner, your movie STINKS. (It's already been delayed from last fall.) Or in the parlance of the unbridled jackass who runs the site, it's "way cool!" Add Ain't It Cool News to the ever-lengthening list of reasons Jack and his co-conspirators won't make movies for adults.

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