Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, March 06, 2003

As I've said too often before, the ad departments will think of any and all excuses to sponsor anything and everything. This latest whopper comes from a spokespoop at Washington Mutual, which is flushing record-breaking money down the toilet at -- the Oscars®:

The Academy Awards® provide a more effective and more efficient demographic for us....It reaches a better cross-section of...Middle America, and that's our target audience.

Fine, but middle America doesn't go to the movies; it's mostly people on the coasts. Unless you can lure those dumb teenage boys into buying your insurance.

Here are some of the other wasters of mon -- sponsors of the Oscars®, all proud members of the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers: American Express (flush), Anheuser-Busch (flush), General Motors (flusssshhhh), JCPenney (flush), Eastman Kodak (flush), PepsiCo (flusshhhhh), MasterCard International (flush), McDonald's (FFFFFFLLLLLLLLLLLLUSSSSSSSSSHHHHH), Procter & Gamble (flusssssshhhhhhhh), AIG (flush), AOL Time Warner (well, it's a movie company; they put their flushes on the screen), and Charles Schwab (flu$h).

How many of their execs will be in the Kodak Theater on the magic night savoring in Chevy Chase Syndrome?

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