Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Before Mickey Mouse Michael gets excited about another Best-Picture Oscar® (whoops! Not his company), he should look into this story. That default favorite Chicago with its memorable score (hardy har har) will win because there's nothing to counter it, but to think Singin' in the Rain got two nominations and zero awards? The sense of injustice is palpable. Dan Ackman's put together a pretty good list of movies the Academy® snubbed, but in fairness, it used to be the Best-Picture winners weren't too shabby either. (Fortunately he doesn't detract from his point with Peter Biskind's odious movies-were-better-than-ever-in-the-seventies thesis.)

At any rate, we'll be too busy with war to notice this coronation.

Quick! Which movie won the first Best-Picture Oscar®? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

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