Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Bringing Down the House got shellacked by the movie-ad-blurb copywriters and did $32 million in business. This tells us: a) the copywriters are absolute dorky, or b) the movie audience is. I'm tempted to believe (having not seen the picture, and not wanting to see any picture) the copywriters may know what they're talking about here, but then a stopped clock is right twice too, and there's definitely no denying the movie audience is full of stopped clocks.

Wanna bet this will be yet another of the "fifty-percenters"? Oh for the days when movies played a year at one theater, and did strong business the whole time. But the movies were better, moviegoers more intelligent, and we didn't have Jack Valenti or Paul "Dreck" Dergarabedian.

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