Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, March 20, 2003

A delicious story: Miller Brewing, once owned by Altria MOtive, now owned by some South African brewer, and whose market share has been in an inexorable decline for many years, has decided to way-up the sex in its ads. (The agency is Ogilvy and Mather, which hides these ads on its site, maybe because some of its clients -- what are you worried about? They only shrink from PC and disasters.) Says a suitably anonymous "executive": "It's tough to be clever when no one pays attention to you....We have to fight dirty to keep what's ours." Here's the fun part: many of the ads in this campaign will debut during the NCAA tournament -- which is sure to get jostled about by the war (the Viacom Network has already agreed to assign some games to the Disney Sports Cable Channel in case). Who wants to think beer with war so heavy in the air? A brilliant marketing ploy worthy of the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers.

Wanna bet these guys try to bring back Opie and Anthony?

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