Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 15, 2003

Guess I'd better post some more links for some photos of the Stalinist brigade:

In Little Rock, home of the airhead Lorelei Lee -- and the president who wouldn't shut up;

In the Gaza Strip, backing a loser again;

A hag in Frisco;

President Sheen breaking wind in Frisco (Jeanette MacDonald may have to return from the dead to do that justice);

A few more protests like this one in Toulouse (accent on louse) and who knows? We may declare war on France;

A few in Bucharest (the sign, the caption says, reads "Stop the Zionist Nazis") yearn for the old days -- of Ceausescu;

An idiot rallies in Beirut (more Arabs 4 Losers);

More vermin (that's the Palestinian flag, the caption says) in TouLOUSE;

This Saddam supporter in Baghdad shows the advantages of not brushing your teeth (ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!);

In Seoul, these lunkheads want "Pizza, not Bomb" [sic], and hold a Pizza Hut box. Obviously they don't know Pizza Hut. (Sorry.)

The usual tired old Nazi symbolism in Tokyo;

More mental diarrhea in Tokyo;

And I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, but the links will expire anyway, and besides they give these signs a good airing every week, and you know the message.

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