Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Having come across another insufferable LALA Times ad (why don't the imbeciles at Tribune give the paper away if they're going to keep running ads?!?!?) I think back to earlier today when I encountered a photo anthology of several Cole Porter grand tours taken by the Hollywood lenswoman Jean Howard, a raging beauty in her youth (I CANNOT find pictures of her, of course) who started in the Ziegfeld Follies. Long after the subject of this hour-long thirty-second spot in newsprint is dead and buried people will have a few pictures of this glorious starlet to cherish, reminders that the great Ziegfeld's judgment in beauty was flawless, that the girls he chose were real women, and that, however hard flacks may try to justify their Madison Avenue pumping, today's show-biz can't make faces like the Ziegfeld Girls' anymore.

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