Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Here's Mr. Broken Record again: Some clowns at a media consulting firm (which probably does lots of business with the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertsiers) did a survey about ads during war coverage. No surprise; people said ads were okay. What makes me type is this platitude from one of the consultants:

The mix of programming [advertisers] select needs to be very sensitive to what consumers are saying will be relevant and meaningful to them.

I've said it once, and I'll say it a thousand times: Advertising is placed solely by computers, solely on statistics. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. The only time advertisers will NOT sponsor is after PC pressure groups complain, or following a disaster. Advertising is the number-one reason people can't stand corporate America, and corporate America knows nothing but to advertise. THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE.

P. S. Here's how the company that did this survey describes itself:

MediaVest is one of the industry's leading independent media services companies. The company provides world-premiere brands with innovative media leadership and execution across a full spectrum of media vehicles to ensure our clients' marketing messages are impactful, delivered strategically and efficiently and generate business results. The success of MediaVest’s focus on objective-driven marketing solutions is evidenced by our long-term client partnerships and strong growth of the company.

A classic Dilbert Mission Statement, translatable as follows: We rob corporate America to finance junk television and worthless reports.

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