Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 22, 2003

I see some holy cockroaches may have hit at one of our bases in Kuwait. This can't have been completely unexpected given recent terrorist murders. It sounds bad, but apparently only a few soldiers (six) were gravely hurt, and this is a pinprick to the operations (not to be insensitive to the wounded), and the general tenor of the war is still good. But we must redouble our vigilance.

Now speculation that this was an Iraqi special ops production. Again we must expect these things. So long as the whole action's going okay we shouldn't panic.

The one thing that worries me about the story is the psychological angle. No matter how well things are going -- and they are going well -- news hacks will harp and harp on this, not only for its news value. They will play up the worst angles without noting that the forces lost sixteen soldiers in two helicopter accidents, and that only two of our soldiers have died thus far in combat. News hacks will give the jerks every reason to celebrate if they don't show perspective here.

Now it is coming out that this may be an attempted homicide by a soldier. Well, Timothy McVeigh was a Gulf War vet.

An American black Muslim, it now appears, and arrested. Geez. Time for another CAIR package, Ibrahim?

Had I not been watching the NPCAA (the P means Professional) Advertising Festival I probably wouldn't have heard this till tomorrow, and turned away. This story is now of virtually no importance in the larger scheme of the war, except as a sensational crime for news hacks to promote, and we wasted all this time and all this worry over nothing.

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