Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, March 17, 2003

I wish I could remember the name of that Marxist painting from the twenties or thereabouts that's actually a favorite of hard-core conservatives. You've seen it: The one where top-hats and gowns are dancing madly on a ballroom floor while crunched underneath it are the shabby working oppressed. It's a favorite of hard-core conservatives because they identify with the ballroom dancers.

That the screaming polemicist Susan Faludi made her career with alleged suicides at Safeway notwithstanding, only the hard-core conservative would laugh at the plight of the former employees of Enron. More than a few of the conservatives' number have sneered, "Nobody held a gun to their heads and said they had to buy Enron stock for their pension plans." True, but the future must have looked golden then, and Enron, like GE Bancorp or Microsoft, was forever.

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