Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Lowsy Mays says, "Here at Cheap Chaynnel we know people luuuuuuuhve ayour vaypeed six-sahong playleists aynd ayour twenta-meinute commercial breaks!" And how do you know, Lousy? "We relah ohn Arbitrohn!" Just one problem: Arbitron relies on horse-and-buggy diaries to collect its numbers, and people don't seem to want to fill them out any more. The bad thing for those of us who luuuuuuuhve Cheap Channel is, this unwillingess may be a reason various surveys state radio listenership is down. Then again, maybe fewer people want to fill out the diaries because fewer people want to listen to the radio. Thanks again, Lowsy, for your enduring contributions to Corporate America!

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