Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, March 14, 2003

Martin Scorsese's acceptance speech:

Ladies and gentlemen, I've just received a phone call from Roman Polanski. I told Roman he waged a great campaign and am sorry only one of us could win an Oscar®. We all wish him the best of luck and I would certainly invite him to join me as we endeavor to win future Oscars®. Academy® Members, my fellow Americans, tonight is a victory for GREAT MOVIEMAKING!!!!! And I want to assure you, as I accept this high honor, this noble statuette, that I intend to keep on fighting for the right to WIN OSCARS®!!!!! And I also want to say, I couldn't have done it without the help of Harvey! Together we can keep on keeping on, working for the common good of all mankind, as we pursue the grand goal of WINNING MORE OSCARS®!!!!!!!!!!

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