Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Music must get cheaper. Yes, perhaps this new Sony-Philips technology will further facilitate pirating; but if the sound quality is comparable to CDs, the music biz could head it off by putting huge chunks of its catalogues on such discs at little cost. Why not put the complete works of classical composers on one disc? Or all of Duke, or Satchmo, or Sinatra? Or a history of doo-wop? Such technology could make the commonest listener a well-rounded music lover. One may ask whether anyone will want a disc with a 100-hour capacity (listening to two or three albums running can be wearying); but in this biz it's not how much music but whether the price is right.

The only downside is that liner notes will disappear, probably onto the discs themselves, but most are so badly written people won't notice.

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