Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

The news biz is in a tiz because one of Courage's translators faked an accent. This isn't a first for the untouchables of Viacom Network News: when St. Edward of Murrow and St. Frederick of Friendly put out their I Can Hear It Now documentary LPs they used many recreations and some clever edits. (One that still rankles to this day: John Daly's Pearl Harbor bulletin leads off with the intro of his bulletin on FDR's death so the blessed Saints could pretend he said "We interrupt this program," which he didn't -- because the bulletin came in a scheduled news break and followed straight from a gasoline commercial. Cle-VER.) It's beside the point anyway: We shouldn't worry about Courage faking an accent through a translator when what he really faked was an interview.

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