Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

News from the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertisers: Gay-rights groups got on the horn with Howell after P&G and Altria MOtive Foods aired several of their commercials on Michael Savage's TV show by accident. Whatever you think of Savage (and I tend to think little of any talk radio host, right or left), you can't deny neither company's cancelled advertising in ages. God knows what kind of gore they sponsor in prime-time. And of course P&G produces lurid soaps. This sort of embarrassment would be prevented by sponsors issuing an unequivocal blanket ban on sponsoring talk-shows period. But then this is ASWIA.

Speaking of P&G, the company has announced a TV advertising moratorium for 48 hours after the start of hostilities in Iraq. Supposedly half the advertising staff threatened suicide because it would keep them from schmoozing in Hollywood.

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