Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 16, 2003

NOTE (to whosoever may care): Last week I got myself a job in the real world. Effective in eight days I become one of those government bureaucrats I've railed against -- you know, the folks who yell mantralike, "Sorry can't do that." Well, I'm in the crowd now, and a member of AFSCME to boot. (Actually, I won't be able to say "Sorry can't do that;" that's a job for my supervisors.) I do hope I can continue this blog (as if anyone reads it) but certainly a real job will cut into my literary endeavors, and I'm not about to blog on the job, unless I have soooooo little to do and can get away with it. If I don't post as often, that's why -- but I've learned how to make fifteen comments in an hour, so perhaps this job won't impinge too much on my style, the odd hours for blogging excepted.

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