Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, March 10, 2003

One of the ad-blurb copywriters has lamented in the Denver Post (in an article whose credibility is undercut by a quote from Paul Dreck) how the movie biz puts out "quality" films only one month of the year. This is generous. December's flicks are not defined so much by quality as by their demographic -- upscale urban professionals and the copywriters. And what they churn out isn't so much quality as pretension. Somebody invented the word "arthouse" for a reason. The rest of the year the idiots excrete movies for the dumb teenage boys and the shareholders. By so severely limiting its audience the movie biz has gone from mass appeal to irrelevance. Jack the Wizened Wizard notwithstanding, far fewer people pay to see far fewer movies than they used to. And I'll bet the few more people who are coming out do so because the entertainment alternatives are even worse. This is a business that needs shutting down.

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