Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, March 14, 2003

One reason so many people hate show-biz is that it's always trying to reinvent itself without its fans' consent. Take TNN. Originally it was The Nashville Network, a country-music channel. Then The Brow bought it and decided he needed to draw teenage boys to complement his movie biz, so he called it The Pro-Wrestling Network. Now it's airing Viacom Network shows and is The Repurposing Network. (I hate that word. Like "branding." I'd like to brand the people who invented them.) Its ratings, needless to say, are in flux. These geniuses aren't half the Einsteins they think they are. Meanwhile network ratings plummet, audiences fragment, and the public gets more impatient. Sounds like Brow wants to turn the TV biz into the record biz. Go to it, Brow!

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