Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Ordinarily I pay little attention to these internecine squabbles of political factions, for they are as interesting to me as reading bloggers chewing over a hundred different policy options on Iraq, and just as inducive to sleep, but I will pay attention here (and I fear I give away too much just by typing this): In the latest issue of a leading opinion magazine (in an article posted on its Web site; no link for obvious reasons) a well known conservative writer says one of the leaders of the hate-America antiwar ultraconservative movement (I was scarcely aware of such a movement until I remembered Pat Buchanan) is a professor at my beloved alma mater who's bitter because he was denied a comfy post at a prestigious university and who responded to an unflattering professional assessment of his teaching by exploding on Usnewsitis, an edifice complex and a reactionary professor! Sounds like three strikes to me!

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