Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Some godforsaken PR type (doesn't Donald Trump have better things to do with his debt?) breathlessly informs us that one Billy Bush, "the host of Let's Make a Deal" and "the east coast correspondent for Access Hollywood," and a Hispanic MTV VJ named Daisy, will be co-emceeing the Miss USA Pageant. It wasn't that long ago that Bob Barker and Helen O'Connell did this. WHO?!?!?

One other thing: Let's Make a Deal is still on?

Yes, this simpleton Billy's related to the president. Reading his bio he sounds like a talentless 'do who's always appeared in the right place at the right time. Like the Bushes or loathe them, that does seem to be their MO.

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