Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

This business of death-penalty moratoriums seems to be gathering speed. I won't argue that the penalty itself isn't quixotically administered, and perhaps many death-row inmates deserve no worse than life without parole, but one suspects there's the same kind of smirk behind these efforts as with the anti-war protests, an underhanded liberal malice, a desire to do something bad solely to confirm your power. Je$$e's ubiquitous presence (not to mention possible Nobel laureate and prison inmate George Ryan's) underlines it.

I believe the death penalty should be limited to multiple murders, political assassinations, and treason. That said, these moratoriums are part of a larger movement to wiggle around the people's support of the death penalty and their duly-elected representatives, and it's still government by egghead, and for those reasons alone, it's dishonest.

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