Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 09, 2003

This dreadful age has a knack for hyperbole. Just as I cringe when I hear the Stalinists equating Bush with Hitler, so this unspoken little doubt pervades my head whenever the Andy S.'s compare Saddam to Hitler. A thug, yes; aiming for regional domination, yes; willing to butcher his enemies, yes; but even in gassing the Kurds he killed no more than a fraction of the millions Hitler exterminated. Also, Hitler had a feared fighting machine, and God knows how many stories we've heard of Saddam's soldiers going AWOL. Does this justify not going after him? No. His chemicals and long-range missiles alone pose a threat. Leave him unchecked and other Saddams will be emboldened to take his place, with more lethal weapons. But Hitler's was a time of giants, good and evil, in all walks of life, and we trample among pygmies. Let's get rid of the guy, but let's not kid ourselves.

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