Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Why newsmagazines are irrelevant: Newsweek runs a big think piece on why we're such a bully. It's scarcely necessary to read a ten-page essay to learn people don't like us. And the solutions for this dislike are maddeningly vague: "[The U. S.] can match its military buildup with diplomatic efforts that demonstrate its interest and engagement in the world’s problems. It can stop oversubsidizing American steelworkers, farmers and textile-mill owners, and open its borders to goods from poorer countries. But above all, it must make the world comfortable with its power by leading through consensus," blahblahblah. Newsmagazines have become good for two things, and two things only: CW and show-biz PR. Running endless pieces on why the world hates us or giving these magazines away won't change that.

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