Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

So typical of Rupert: This story notes that "only a third of the French felt that they were on the same side as the Americans and British," so what does Rupert do? He screams, "ONE IN THREE FRENCH WANTS SADDAM TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

SHUT UP, Rupert.

FOLLOW UP (posted 4/5): EARTH TO GENE, EARTH TO GENE -- Rupert was right, for once. Read before commenting, you ignoramus. (I have not taken this down as a sign of my own fallibility, although I think this is only the second or third outright boner I've pulled since I started blogging. My only excuse is that I was about to leave for work. That's no excuse -- the Professor blogs during classes. I won't do this again.)

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