Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

A warning: After the war, the naysayers, the cretins, the millions endorsing Saddam, will offer not one word of apology. Why? They will say the war was unjustly waged for a just cause, or they will once again find justification for force only through the League of Nations and its fraudulent platitudes, or they will speak of national pride in standing up to the big fat American bully, or they will rationalize that they reenergized the "peace" movement, a waste energy quickly spent. On Saddam the silence will be deafening. Not one will speak of coddling a dictator in the name of a some non-existent higher cause, not one will speak praise for national liberation, not one will apologize for endorsing mass murders and depradations by proxy, not one will apologize to the Iraqis themselves, or for their quarter-century of enslavement. The appeacers will only honor themselves with an indefinite moment of silence. They must be pushed and challenged at every turn, and shamed for their treachery, even though they be shameless.

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