Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 15, 2003

The British news hacks have prejudices as strong as any American's, and worse, given their known and frequent graft. Suggesting as one very British hack does that the FBI's harrassment of the great composer Aaron Copland was the same Prokofiev's or Shostakovich's or Weill's torments is to commit a typical news hack outrage. Prokofiev was banned by the Soviets for "decadent" art in 1948, and he died a broken man five years later. Shostakovich was a hounded man who attempted to appease the authorities with hackwork, and by staying cowardly mute with each new Soviet affront. Weill was run out of Nazi Germany because he was a "cabaret composer" -- and because he was Jewish. Aaron Copland merely acquired an FBI file. Only to a news hack does this amount to the same thing.

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