Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 15, 2003

The Freeper-inspired Hollywood Idiots site is claiming that Mickey Mouse Michael's secretary has told somebody that Disney, er Disney Arthouse Pictures, er, MIRAMAX, will not be bankrolling Michael "The Fat Fearless Hypocrite" Moore's tirade that 9-11 was a Dubya plot. Whether this is true or not, the lunkheads should know, we're starting to realize who runs things in your business, Mickey Mouse, and when you say you're not responsible for the Hypocrite's project, you're disingenuous and political at best, and hiding behind a wall of "no comments" won't do anymore.

Hey Hypocrite! I got an idea! Get RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to do it! He published your book, and besides, you can always says it's an AUSTRALIAN company!

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