Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, May 22, 2003

I think The Scotsman's way too pessimistic over classical music's future. We must remember no music has the glory of old, and that CD sales declines have hit hard at other genres, too -- witness the collapse in the news hack's favorite genre, rap. (Actually, these jaysonist morons listen to The Boss all the damn day, but that's another story.) Moreover a lot of the problems in the live performance end are due to a weak economy. Improved education would help, but we won't get improved education. Perhaps a better place to look is on the Web, where, despite the chain bookstores and mass semi-literacy, high art and literature have established significant beachheads. Besides, there will always be people who will strive for something beyond the moment, something enduring in the arts. That MS of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony wouldn't have fetched $3.5 million if the work didn't still speak to us.

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