Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, July 28, 2003

And speaking of overrated TV personalities (and speaking of GE Bancorp), Howie "Hair Shirt" Kurtz tells us HHHWalter Crrrronkite Jr. (whom I call that because he once did an GE Bancorp Network Nightly News every bit as dour and pompous as the master) is THE WILD AND CRRRRAAAAZY GUY of the MESS. This, the guy who said Al and John should resign over the Disney Network hiring an ex-cheerleader for MNF? Annoying, YES. (And one indication of what a phony he is: he decided to get back into news after 9/11 because it was "the closest thing I'll ever do to serving my country." SHUT UP, UNCLE HHHWALTER JR.)

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