Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, July 18, 2003

How has [The Economist], an expensive, serious, elitist publication that looks like a magazine in every way — size, format, color cover, glossy pages — but considers itself a "weekly newspaper," managed to do so well in such a shaky economy?

First, because businessmen are conformists to the nth degree. Second, because businessmen heard that Bill the Entomologist reads The Econowiz, therefore it must be brain food, and anything that makes a businessman smarter must be good (like Who Moved My Cheese?), and because businessmen are conformists to the nth degree, they all decided to read The Econowiz, even though much of its content is beyond their reading skills, and even though it's ATWOLA and BLUNDER only better written and with an ATTITUDE. And third, because The Econowiz makes a handy-dandy intimidation tool on an executive's desk when he can point to the rag and say, I READ THE ECONOMIST AND YOU DON'T!!!!!

That's why The Econowiz does well.

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