Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Those who say bloggers will overtake the conventional news biz are whistling in the dark. Bloggers, unlike news suites, go to bed, and take vacations. (Professor InstaPundit is starting to become the Johnny Carson of blogging.) Sometimes they just quit. Even the best of them are inconsistent in how frequently they post. I know of no blogger, moreover, who has international bureaus; claiming to have a blogger connection in Iraq is like saying I have a friend in Poughkeepsie. And trying to predict which blogger will post when is like playing an electronic game of hide and seek, or musical chairs, and too often the prize is a three-week-old post. And there is no reliable index or search engine for bloggers. So for now, and perhaps forever, the power remains with the First-Amendment-defending totalitarians.

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