Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Here's a word that gets the show-biz news hack's blood rushing, like "edgy" or "hip": "fringe," an excuse for public nudism and Marcel Marceau. We're supposed to get excited that all this wonderful "theater" is playing all over big cities like New York and Philadelphia and every other town that thinks Ed Rendell is its salvation. Problem is, even by the Times' admission, only 48,000 showed up for the last of these festivals, which by my calculation equals all of a sell-out month for one show on Broadway; and in the 1927-28 season there were 264 shows, and most of them didn't play in lofts or converted houses. And we get all this PR babble about "fringe" because show-biz news hacks refuse to admit our culture's gotten worse.

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