Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, August 31, 2003

I have given up trying to get truth from news hacks on subjects like this. BLUNDER has spent the last six months badmouthing our Iraq campaign, and Norman Thomas's grandson famously said the CIA was near mass suicide because the BEEB (most likely) told it the STREET was about to rise. This article ends with the foregone conclusion that Afghanistan is a goner. Best to think the worst about Osama, to fend off an unpleasant surprise, but we'll never know from the hermetically-sealed luxury news suites at BuffettMedia.

Two other reasons not to trust this story: BLUNDER's sources are the Taliban, and the first word of the headline is "Rumors." Wasn't BLUNDER's gaseous editor Mark whining to Lord Koppel of Eisner after L'Affaire Blair that nobody believes us?

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