Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, August 10, 2003

I wish I knew why the Professor and his coproductions are so excited about Ah-NULT, much as many Freepers used to get their juices flowing over Jim "Ferret Hair and Sewer-Rat Ethics" Traficant. Part of it is surely his celebrity; the rush of adrenalin from 100 million hits every ten minutes can give you a sense of camaraderie; part of it must be he's a liberal Democrat registered Republican, quite appealing to that subspecies of political lizard called the libertarian (with whom the Professor belongs, though he knows the word has a ring to it, so he calls himself "anti-Idiotarian," which I don't think will ever grace any self-respecting party); part of it is definitely the idea of influencing an election. The problem is, we've had enough practical jokes in politics lately, of which this is but the latest, and often the punchline is for the practical joke to leave office in disgrace.

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